Sunday, February 22, 2009

Inadequate. Not only for men.

Inadequate, I hear that word alot for some reason, it's always on the radio, guy's get bigger, long blah blah. When I hear that word, I always associate it with men, being more than you are something bigger and better. For some reason, I know use that word in comparison of myself. Am I inadequate, or is it just people not seeing what is already there? Women all over, constantly are comparing themselves. I have always felt that comparing yourself to others isn't the best, why try and be someone else, I have always strived to be the better me. A constant battle with myself. Lately I feel myself getting sucked into stupid girl paranoia. Comparing myself to girls I don't even know. Maybe if I were more like her he'd like me more, I could be smarter, cooler, prettier, more in depth, then maybe I wouldn't have any problems. I wonder if theses problems even exists or am I making it into something it's not? Thing's I normally would never think twice about, jump out at me, and I dwell and worry about. I want to be something I'm not, only to make you happy. I feel inadequate, because I want to be more, but I'm not sure what that is. Maybe it is just stupid girl paranoia or maybe the feeling I have is real. I don't like feeling like a last resort, or a temporary thing till someone better comes along. Guy's your not alone, the inadequacy virus is spreading, and my fever is running high.

I suck.