After debating and debating and killing myself over what I want to do with my life, I have finally come to a decision to what I want to major in. The downside... there aren't that many schools that have family consumer science programs. I have spent days trying to find a school. All the schools I have looked at are either jeezus schools or in the middle of now where. One school I called because it look like a good area, and they told me they are eliminating the program. Like WTFrick. Bottom line at least I have a plan, now I just need to find a school that I wont want to kill myself at. (PS looking for schools in PA, NY, RI, or MA, keep and eye out)

-Finish AIP in Dec.
-Go home and go to Lansdale School of Beauty for teaching license/go to BCCC get A.S. in EDU.
-Over the summer during break attend 6 week program for special effects makeup
-Find a college to get my B.A. in Education, and M.A. in Family and consumer science
-I will first finish Cos Teaching school, and will get a job at a salon/sub teach at a beauty school and continue at BCCC.
-Then I will finish 6 week program for special effects make-up, and do freelance work with that, and continue at BCCC, and working at a salon/sub teaching at beauty schools
-Once I finish at BCCC I will transfer to some school not sure yet, and do freelance make-up/hair, and work in a salon
-Once I'm done at whatever college I'm at I will teach full time at a beauty school for two years/freelance/salon, and then put applications in for votech school/F&CS jobs and see if i get anything.
This is my plan so far, the thing is I'm really good at making plans and setting up for the future, but I have a habit of changing my mind and not going through with all of my elaborate plans. Lets see how long this escapade will last...
wish me luck.