So last week I spent sometime in California, it was great. Abbey and I went on some pretty sick adventures, with the help of Barco. Things we did.
Hollywood Blv, took some pictures of the stars and had some awesome sushi. And people thought we were hookers...
Downtown and fashion district, it was a lot of Mexicans, and cheaply made stuff. It wasn't that cool, but Barcos school is sweet. But there were so cool shops, got a dress and a blazer that i love.
Venice and Santa Monica, highlight of our trip. Went to the beach, so a bunch of venders, hung out with so really cool people and got to go to some clubs. Apparently old men love me. It was so pretty there, and the shops and night were awesome. The people there were so nice, and showed us around, i could not ask for a better guide.
Riverside, went to a show and met some awesome dudes, hit up an in and out burger which was great, and hung out at this girls house that was super nice. Barco friends are great i love Eric and Kyle.
Laguna Beach was sick very rich but so pretty, we buried Abbey and Kyle in the sand, and got some taco bell way better in CA than PA. And hit the hot tube/pool at alies house.
Overall it was an awesome trip and totally worth the money and missing school. I might be kicking myself now cuz all the work i have to do but it was so freaking awesome.
One life.