Me as Sharon Tate, make-up done by Brandon, And Brandon as Charles Manson make-up, hair, and beard, done by me! Yes we are freaks.
Happy little Family! <3
So tommorow is my last day at AIP. I'm very excited to go home, but then I will miss the few friends I have made. And this class especially I will miss, I had so much fun doing this project! Another chapter of the life as Bree ends and a new one begins. Pitt, was an experience, and I do not regret going. I learned a lot and enjoyed most of my classes...or maybe just this one. But Monday starts another chapter in Philly. I shall be moving in to my own studio apartment! I can't wait to get settled and decorate. Also Christmas break will be awesome because my friends are all home and I get to see some people I haven't seen in forever. I can't wait!
Good times to come!