Saturday, March 21, 2009

Material Things.

So I have an awesome boyfriend, we go out he pays for food, and whatever we do. He has given me an awesome Ipod, and now a car. I am very grateful, and I love everything he has done for me, and given me. I don't know if he knows how much I appreciate what he had done for me. But I need more than things, I want him to want me, and I really want to know that he does. He might very well like me as much as I like him, but I don't know what it is I just need to hear it. I suck, I'm turing into a dumb paranoid girl, but I think it's just because I like him that much.

someone shut me up or shoot me.
my blogs are gay.

The Kids. Zach, Jessie, and Kelly
Saved By The Bell <3


danielle said...

i'm a dumb paranoid girl too, it's okay.

Bree Wood said...

ha tia i i promis i will, and dani im glad im not alone! i love you all.