Thursday, January 28, 2010

Slow and steady wins the race...

Things that have changes since my last post, well I'm happy. My blog was getting to depressing for me so I stopped. I'm back with my boy, and I feel like it's working. Before I always felt like something was missing. This time around I think we are on the same page for once, and it feels awesome. I'm so much happier and not stressing about stupid stuff and being jealous over nothing. It has taken a long time but its worth it.
I'm moving to pittsburgh in a few weeks to start school, and hopefully start a career with my life. Beauty school and having my license just isn't enough I want more. I want to travel and do models, and actresses, and broadway productions. So if i can make it through college, I think I can make it though anything, we all know i suck at school, im better at the whole life thing. I have mixed feeling about the whole move to pittsburgh.
School itself is what i cant wait for and starting my art classes. The downside is its pittsburgh, nothings really there, i will miss my friends like crazy, and i'm afraid moving is going to eff up the relationship i have tried so hard for to work. Its finally perfect and i move. Just my luck hoping it works out.
Other cool things I got a new tattoo, i think its pretty cute. I finally got a new sewing machine so I'm trying to spend more time sewing less time using technology. I am also getting a car within the next week are so, its a VW Golf, i need to learn stick though...this should be funny.

All in all I'm happy, it has taken me along time to get where i am. Being happy with myself, relationships with friends and my guy, school, everything really...

It just goes to show that

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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