Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Week from hell is over. Thank GOD!

So after hating my life for a few days and swearing someone is out to get me and make me miserable, things are slowly turing around. My big thing was school and finical aid, but i figured out that if i only take 9 credits instead of 12, i will be able to make it till july! I can then change my money plan and be set! Next is that stupid hit and run thing, totally not my fault, because it never happened, as far as i know the insurance company has taken care of it, so thats good. All other things that happened from the week of hell i have accepted and put it behind me.

Things I want/need to do...
Finish skirt
clean this hell hole of a room
finish work project
exercise more...ew
begin packing for pittsburgh :(

Also eff "My life as Liz" im going to make "My life in Pittsburgh" it will be way more depressing/sadly awesome. Watch for my blog videos if i ever figure it out. Good thing is if i don't figure it out its ok, because no one reads this.

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