Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We are all we got.

So my mom left this for me one morning...

"Bree is a steady stream of energy, scintillating sunshine shimmering as she moves through the day. This leggie, woman-child leaping, laughing, lover her way through life was my frustration when she was you and my companion as i grow older. Her room erupts with a fusion of child and woman evidenced by the dry witted cartoons plastered about her room, the doodlings of her youth and the collections of photography peppering her walls. Her body is one of constant movement and endlessly dancing from morning to night leaving me breathless as she swishes by me escaping into the night in revelry with friends. As i watch her, this gazelle , as thin as a willow bending in the wind, i realize how lucky i am to be her mother."

(Temple Graduation 2006, it took her like 30 years to finish but she did it.)
I love my mom.
We may have nothing, and every year she always says things will get better and they never do. Things just seem to get worse. But if theres one thing i will never be without, that's my mom. The one person i can count on. Thank you for everything. We will be OK one day all we need is you and me.


leighnash said...

best woman alive

Abbey said...

the relationship and love for your mother is something i'll always be jealous of. reading that was beautiful!